Tuesday, January 22, 2013

This is an imaginary phone call from Amber

I actually said it to myself in the car and recorded it on my phone. I went home and transcribed it. Its not a very good piece of writing, so I won't bother putting it here. 
Then I rewrote it in the way that I would express myself in writing
Jan 21 2013.
I spent the last month in my pajamas feeling sad for what I lost. But today I think I would like to rejoin and reconnect and come back to this world that I live in now.
My name is Amberle Reyes. I am 30 years old. I live in my parents’ basement. I don’t have a paying job. I applied for unemployment from the state of Colorado last week and they may give me $88 per week. I don’t know for how long. I don’t think it’s the right thing to do. But it’s the best thing to do while I look for a job. I want to be gainfully employed, but I want to have enough time to continue pursue my passion, what I believe is my life’s work. I believe in job creation and the power of cooperative business to create economic stability from the bottom up. I believe in Uganda and hardworking, friendly people in a tropical environment. I want to live in Uganda, make pretty things out of rubbish and do development projects, which create small businesses to generate income locally, in Uganda. I want to make enough money to be with my family in America for a few weeks out of the year. I want to be able to travel. 
In order to achieve this, I am in the process of starting a business with my sister, Andrea. A. Bernadette is a non-profit organization partnering with artisans in Uganda to transform natural and waste materials into beautiful jewelry and accessories. Through A. Bernadette, we will sell these products in America, generating income that will allow us to continue to design new products and create cooperative businesses in Uganda that will help the artisans we work with generate income locally so they don’t become dependent on us and our sales in America. 
My current role with A. Bernadette is as social media and marketing director. I have no formal experience in this field, but am confident that I will be able to reach out for educational opportunities and mentors in the field. I have created a preliminary Social Media Strategy and hope to continue to refine it in the weeks to come. I am comfortable with this “work in progress” and am excited to approach this new challenge by utilizing and building on my prior experience, skills, and knowledge.  

I've been working and thinking a lot about this media and how and why I want to communicate. I'm not sure just how transparent to be. I am enjoying the process of going through old journal entries, photos, and videos and picking out little bits to share. But in the end they all seem -old- so I want to create content (see that, I'm learning the lingo) that is new and interesting and strong. I have all sorts of concerns about how personal my posts should be because this is a business, but this is a personal business, isn't it?

This is an imaginary phone call from Amber.